James Von Brunn is reported to be the shooter at the National Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. It is believed that he is a White Supremist. Police have confirmed the identity of the shooter as James Von Brunn. James Von Brunn, 89, is a military veteran - either of the Korean War or World War II.

Surprisingly, for a man of his asserted racial views and apparent conspiratorial bent, James Von Brunn does not appear to be a party in any federal case captured in the PACER system. Too bad, for those seeking a quick peek inside his psyche.

But in excerpts from James Von Brunn autobiography, James Von Brunn recounts his strong feelings about a few Supreme Court justices. For instance, James Von Brunn wrote about his 1968 birthday, when he was at a bar. As Von Brunn recounts"

"Suddenly, the TV was interrupted by "an Important Announcement.' The voice-over excitedly reported that President Lyndon Johnson had nominated Abe Fortas, JEW, to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Johnson, a clod totally controlled by the Illuminati, had lied about the Tonkin Bay "torpedo attack" to embroil us in Viet Nam, ostensibly to halt the spread of Communism, yet James Von Brunn patrons were almost all Marxist/Liberal/Jews bankers. I commented to my next door neighbor that Fortas was a crook."

Suffice it to say, hassles ensued. By James Von Brunn's account, James Von Brunn ended up slugging a rural Maryland sheriff and serving four months in jail. James Von Brunn wrote:

"The things that went on in the Cambridge jail would make a book. But I have no time for that."

More adventures and misadventures ensued, before the 1981 Federal Reserve episode, which James Von Brunn called a "caper." James Von Brunn contended that following his arrest he was "contacted by a U.S. Senator (who must remain nameless), who offered me a plea bargain If I would plead guilty to one count of gun violation." Declining, James Von Brunn said he then tried without success to subpoena Federal Reserve Board Chairman Paul Volker and former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinksi in his defense.

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