What A Woman Wants

Posted by Unknown | Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ultimately we will never discover the complete makeup of a man nor will man ever fully understand the female species but a man, if prepared, can learn and discover some of the mysterys of a woman's mind,her heart, and her desires.

Things You Need To Know About Women

1.Tackling problems:

Women tend to be intuitive global thinkers.They take lots of information from many sources and tend to think of many problems at once.Whereas many times a man will tackle one problem at a time.

2. Emotional:

As you know women are more emotional. Our hormonal makeup is completely different.

'Some times all a woman needs is for a shoulder to cry on while she pours out her heart'.

Often she feels better from simply her man holding her and really listening to her.

'Often if a woman wants advice she will reach out and ask for it'

3. Need to feel number one:

A woman needs to feel number one in her man's eyes. A woman is aware that man by nature has a 'wandering eye', especially when a beautiful woman walks by, therefore it is important for her to know that in your eyes she is the most'beautiful woman of all'.

Sometimes with so many beautiful women in the world, some women become insecure, feeling the need to compete constantly, unsatisfied with her body and shape if it doesnt meet the ideal form. The media constantly throws images of thinness and unrealistic visions at women which we tend to absorb. While a man is not responsible for a woman's esteem a man we love can 'break' our 'build' our esteem even further.

'How Do I Make Her Feel Number One????'

Tell her how beautiful she is clothed and unclothed.

If you have to stare at a gorgeous thing going past while with her, don't make it obvious, be subtle for God's sake. Is that so hard to do.?

Dont call her stupid names "fatty" "porky" if she is carrying a little weight. She may laugh about it, but inwardly it can be crushing her esteem to shreds.

Make her feel loved and appreciated, let her into your heart.

4. Sex:

Women need lots of attention, closeness, touching at times with no sex involved. If you only approach your woman and touch her when you want sex, she will become resentful and sometimes even feel like a prostitute, especially if an arguement has not been resolved.


We all have heard the expression that men are "headliners", and women are "fine print". Women are said to talk on the average 25,000 words a day, and men 5,000 words. Women were born to express themselves, and with an added emotional makeup, it explains why we talk problems over with friends and family. We have that extra need to discuss the aspects of out life, important issues with others.There is a need at times to get things off our chest seeking other's opinions, offloading our fears and hurts.


1. Walk with her,don't try to rule her.

2. Offer your support, be a haven she can come to when she is in need, without fear of lectures or disinterest on your side.

3. Don't ridicule her behind her back. I never understand men who do this.

4. Listen, listen, when she is hurting. Resist the urge to offer advice unless she asks.

5. Give her compliments, make her feel good about herself, and mean it.

6. Walk with her, not ahead of her.

7. Never take her for granted, don't let familiarity seep in.

8. Show your joy in spending time with her. A woman needs to feel appreciated.

9. Be honest with her. A woman never forgets.

10. Be her greatest supporter. Be someone she knows that she can always count on.

11. If you have done something to hurt her, even if you didn't mean to, tell her you are sorry.

12. If anger gets the better of you walk away and take time to cool down, or you might say something you will regret, and she will remember.

13. You don't have to try to "fix" everything. Men are 'fixers', but women don't want you to fix everything.

14. Kiss her goodbye and be happy to see her.

15. Understand her need to share herself with her friends. It's not that you aren't enough.

16. Show her she can count on you to get things done when you say you will.

.17. Back her up 100 percent!

18. Don't ignore her to gain her attention.That just infuriates her.

19. Include her in your dreams tell her about them. A woman feels part of you when you share your life even more with her.

20. If you treat her the way she deserves to be treated, she in turn will give back to you 100 fold. A happy caring guy makes a happy caring woman.

21. Don't compare her to other women. She is unique.

Despite all the female liberation movement, you may be surprised to learn that women actually still enjoy to be treated like women, and they still appreciate the gentlemanly things men do sometimes.


Women look for humour, they love confidence in a guy.

A guy with average looks, if he has a fantastic personality, can be incredibly sexy to her.

A great looking guy with massive ego problems we would rather forget. Not for a long term relationship anyway. Some girls go for guys like this, but normally the more shallow type of girls.

Physical looks can get a lady’s initial interest, but it isn’t what builds attraction.

'The age of a woman doesn't mean a thing. The best tunes are played on the oldest fiddles'


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Simply ask her what she wants and she will most likely tell you. No two women are the same, thank god, and what may work for one woman may not necessarily be an other's cup of tea. Communication is simply the best way to learn. Keep the channels between the two of you open. Be kind, loving and understanding. Then you will truly discover 'What A Woman Wants'

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